December 28, 2015

"What Isn't Understood?"

Understand the whole world is in trouble - as long as another person feels entitled to murder another (which started a long time ago) and breeds contention, hatred and other than what is good as defined by our Heavenly Father and His Son - then what's below is just one aspect of those seeking world dominion - by any means possible. c/ork

According to the Sharia law:
•  Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
•  Criticizing or denying any part of the
 Quran is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying
 Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
•  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
•  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is
 9 years old.
•  Girls' clitoris should be cut (per
 Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
•  A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives;
 Muhammad can have more.
•  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
•  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
•  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
•  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
•  A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
•  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
•  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to
 fitnah (upheaval).
•  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
•  Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be
•  Muslims should engage in
 Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
•  The list goes on.

“What Isn’t Understood?”


We’ve a problem in our nation
it is within and without control
our leaders deny it is a problem
global warming in the problem
those who seek to change freedom
as was the platform of our potus
and the UN to change economics
leading to a one world government
with freedoms – without understanding
beguiling the under-privileged all
slavery under any name is the same
hatred and contention is not of God
(either the Muslim or Christian one)
what isn’t understood is the truth
literally found in the Scriptures
ignored by almost all alive today
and things will get much worse
while most buy their beverages
spend time at the local malls
destroy all moral fibers left
waiting for someone else
to step in and take control
chaos = martial law = slavery!

Copyright © 2015 – cji

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