August 26, 2014

"Without Reason 343"

 The destruction of common sense, reason and truth started in the Golden Age of the Greeks - lying paid better - Socrates had to drink the Hemlock - Plato became the in thing and changed the Christian Church under Augustine and Origen as disciples of Rhetorical thought - spiritualism, mysticism and other vague imitations replaced the literal truth of the Scriptures and anything which speaks against this (which I do) are simply out of step with the false reality of the majority. Of course in my lifetime (as you know) I'd rather be right (with full documentation - common sense - Gnoisis (a Testimony of Heavenly Father and his Son our Savior Jesus Christ) than be wrong! A strong statement but such were made by all of the true Prophets and the true Disciples and Apostles! c/ork

"Without Reason 343"


Having written long ago
even now as of this day
men/women without reason
justifying Neo-Platonism
justifying teaching of lies
scattering the gossip
God is dead or if not
he is but an illusion
without reason centuries
carefully created guile
even now as of this day
having started long ago!
Copyright © 2012 – cji

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