April 22, 2012

“Haunted Eyes”



Deadly piercing within

seeing what others fail

feelings reeling awkward

peace and calm present

determination so firm

unnoticed by the many

understood by the few

haunted eyes alone

with others of a kind

deadly piercing within!




Awe and respect

filled with doubt

unknowing to judge

what it is all about

kept well hidden

none allowed in

there is no change

just pretending

pleasing others

sacrificing self

unwanted pity

acceptance alone

life to live a day

one more away

where I stay!

“To Give or Take”



Willingly choices made

whether to share or not

to give or take exception

to take or give forgiveness

to give or take a life

to take or give offense

turning the other cheek

returning from the past

into abuses and excuses

refusing to disparage

to give and take love

required for all to live

sharing, caring, daring!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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