June 4, 2016

"Questions on the Sabbath Day"

“Sometimes we have a similar experience with the gospel. As we look at some part of it, we may scratch our heads and wonder what that part is for. Or as we examine another part, we may realize that even after trying hard to fully understand, we just can’t figure out why that part was included.” President By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf  Second Counselor in the First Presidency

“Questions on the Sabbath Day”


Pondering even why we go to church
thus many stay home and wonder not
confused by the Scriptures and teachings
meandering around in the maze of space
unwanting to be lost and astray giving up
joining the crowds of the worldly at play
surrendering our birthright to understand
forgetting the Commandments to obey
enlisting instead in an army of mortals
while conquering the world losing all
each Sabbath Day we need to enlist
Heavenly Father’s advice and help
praying fervently to betting learn
keeping all of the Commandments
being found worthy as James said
questions on the Sabbath Day asked
and answers found within obedience
as covenanted with our Father!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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