January 27, 2015

"To Be Mindful"

Your Father in heaven is mindful of you. He has given you commandments to guide you, to discipline you. He has also given you your agency—freedom of choice—“to see if [you] will do all things whatsoever [He] shall command.” (Abr. 3:25) His kingdom here on earth is well organized, and your leaders are dedicated to helping you. May you know that you have our constant love, our concern, and prayers.

Satan is also mindful of you. He is committed to your destruction. He does not discipline you with commandments, but offers instead a freedom to “do your own thing.” … Satan’s program is “play now and pay later.” He seeks for all to be miserable like unto himself [see 2 Nephi 2:27]. The Lord’s program is happiness now and joy forever through gospel living.

“To Be Mindful”





Father is mindful of each

knowing each by name

how mindful are the each

of their Father in heaven;


Are we found as the leaven

able to learn and to teach

knowing from where we came

into the eternities to reach;


Are we influenced by satan

mindful of each of us today

in his temptations blatant

leading immortality to decay;


Which are we found mindful

rather do each care not at all

reaching for the wonderful

or harkening to evil’s call?




Copyright © 2015 – cji


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