January 31, 2015

Visiting Teaching February 2015

Visiting Teaching February 2015


Prayerfully study this material and seek to know what to share. How will understanding the life and roles of the Savior increase your faith in Him and bless those you watch over through visiting teaching? For more information, go to reliefsociety.lds.org.

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, was the only one capable of making an atonement for mankind. “Jesus Christ, the Lamb without blemish, willingly laid Himself on the altar of sacrifice and paid the price for our sins,” said President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.1 Understanding that Jesus Christ was without sin can help us increase our faith in Him and strive to keep His commandments, repent, and become pure.

“Jesus was … a being of flesh and spirit, but He yielded not to temptation (see Mosiah 15:5),” said Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “We can turn to Him … because He understands. He understands the struggle, and He also understands how to win the struggle. …

“… The power of His Atonement can erase the effects of sin in us. When we repent, His atoning grace justifies and cleanses us (see 3 Nephi 27:16–20). It is as if we had not succumbed, as if we had not yielded to temptation.

“As we endeavor day by day and week by week to follow the path of Christ, our spirit asserts its preeminence, the battle within subsides, and temptations cease to trouble.” 2

Additional Scriptures

From the Scriptures

The Savior paid the price of our sins through His divine Sonship, His sinless life, His suffering and the shedding of His blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, His death on the cross and His Resurrection from the grave. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can become clean again as we repent of our sins.

King Benjamin taught his people of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and then asked if they believed his words. “They all cried with one voice, saying: … the Spirit … has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. …

“And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things” (Mosiah 5:1–2, 5).

We too can have a “mighty change” like the people of King Benjamin, who “had no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:2).

Consider This

How does being pure differ from being perfect?

“Be Pure”





When converted be pure

putting away the worldly

clean and clear speech

chaste thoughts actions

modest appearance always

be pure in understanding

acquire correct knowledge

validate being a child of God

putting away the worldly

being pure within always!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE Testimony and Conversion

First Presidency Message Testimony and Conversion

There is a difference between receiving a testimony of truth and being truly converted. For instance, the great Apostle Peter bore his witness to the Savior that he knew that Jesus was the Son of God.

“[Jesus] saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

“And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 16:15–17).

And yet later, in His injunction to Peter, the Lord gave him and us a guide to become truly converted and to extend that conversion for a lifetime. Jesus said it this way: “When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:32).

Jesus taught Peter that there was still a great change that must go beyond having a testimony to being able to think, feel, and act as truly converted disciples of Jesus Christ. That is the mighty change we all seek. Once we obtain it, we need that change to continue until the end of our mortal probation (see Alma 5:13–14).

We know from our own experience and from observing others that having a few great moments of spiritual power will not be enough. Peter denied he knew the Savior even after he had received a witness by the Spirit that Jesus was the Christ. The Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon had direct testimony given to them that the Book of Mormon was the word of God, and yet later they faltered in their ability to sustain Joseph Smith as the Prophet of the Lord’s Church.

We need a change in our hearts, as described in the book of Alma: “And they did all declare unto the people the selfsame thing—that their hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do evil” (Alma 19:33; see also Mosiah 5:2).

The Lord taught us that when we are truly converted to His gospel, our hearts will be turned from selfish concerns and turned toward service to lift others as they move upward to eternal life. To obtain that conversion, we can pray and work in faith to become the new creature made possible by the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

We can start by praying for the faith to repent of selfishness and for the gift of caring for others more than ourselves. We can pray for the power to lay aside pride and envy.

Prayer will be the key as well for receiving the gift of a love for the word of God and for the love of Christ (see Moroni 7:47–48). The two come together. As we read, ponder, and pray over the word of God, we will come to love it. The Lord puts it in our hearts. As we feel that love, we will begin to love the Lord more and more. With that will come the love for others that we need in order to strengthen those whom God puts in our path.

For instance, we can pray to recognize those the Lord would have His missionaries teach. Full-time missionaries can pray in faith to know by the Spirit what to teach and testify. They can pray in faith that the Lord will let them feel His love for everyone they meet. The missionaries will not bring everyone they meet to the waters of baptism and to the gift of the Holy Ghost. But they can have the Holy Ghost as a companion. Through their service and with the help of the Holy Ghost, missionaries will then, in time, be changed in their hearts.

That change will be renewed again and again as they and we unselfishly continue over a lifetime to act in faith to strengthen others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Conversion will not be a single event or something that will last for just one season of life but will be a continuing process. Life can become brighter until the perfect day, when we will see the Savior and find that we have become like Him. The Lord described the journey this way: “That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (D&C 50:24).

I promise you that is possible for each of us.

Teaching from This Message

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles used the “parable of the pickle” to teach that conversion is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event: “Line upon line and precept upon precept, gradually and almost imperceptibly, our motives, our thoughts, our words, and our deeds become aligned with the will of God” (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign, May 2007, 19). Consider reviewing the parable of the pickle with those you teach. What can each of us do to move forward steadily in the gradual process of conversion that President Eyring and Elder Bednar both discuss?


My Change of Heart

By Dante Bairado

The author lives in Fortaleza, Brazil.

When I first learned about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, I felt the Spirit testify of its truthfulness. Through prayer, my testimony became even more certain, and I decided to be baptized.

Soon after my baptism, people in my ward began asking me how I felt about serving a mission. To be honest, I didn’t know exactly what to say. The idea of leaving my family and school to serve a mission seemed absurd.

Then one day I started thinking about my conversion. I remembered the missionaries who had taught me, who had patiently answered my questions and helped me understand the gospel. I realized that without their help, I never would have discovered the true Church. As soon as I made that realization, the desire to serve blossomed in my heart. I could feel the Spirit telling me that I should serve a full-time mission.

I know that missionary work is the work of our Heavenly Father and that we can help bring souls to the wonderful knowledge of the restored gospel.

Children - Let Your Testimony Burn Bright

Gaining a testimony is like building a fire. Just as we have to add wood to keep a fire burning, we must pray, repent, serve others, study the scriptures, and keep the commandments to help our testimonies grow.

To learn more about how to build your testimony, read each of the scriptures listed below. Color the part of the flame that matches each scripture you read. The more scriptures you read, the brighter the fire—and your testimony!


“Be Thou Converted”





Each step we take is a gain or a loss

entering into the new and old together

learning and growing to become more

yet learning more the less we know

the less we know the more to learn

having understood who the Savior is

feeling the prompting of the Spirit

then having a sure knowledge gained

therefore testimony securely beginning

more and more study to perform today

yesterday’s work fruitful if added upon

till one understands full immersion

living a life of consecration every wit

turning neither to the left or the right

be thou converted within your all

the commandment given to each

entering the new and old together

either as a gain or a loss in each!



Copyright © 2015 – cji

“Crowded Harbors”

“Crowded Harbors”





Tranquil beauty once there

safety from the hurricanes

peacefulness and secure

now only crowded harbors;


No longer places found

weather now to ravage

pounding one upon all

over-crowded harbors;


Much as in life gathers

great crowds turmoil

worldly crowdedness

with no place to reside;


Crowded stadiums/bars

crowded subways/streets

crowded malls/stores

overcrowded places;


Quiet refuges a few

wherein truth to find

safe from the worldly

safe harbors known!


Copyright © 2015 – cji

January 29, 2015

"Be Not Slothful"

“For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

“Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

“For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

“But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.” (D&C 58:26–29.)

“Be Not Slothful”





Awakened into turmoil daily

deciding to roll over in sleep

caring not the cost to others

living off the fat of the lambs

government led slaughtered

stealing money from for others

welfare – socialism – deceit

forgetting the command

‘be not slothful’ proclaimed

billions – trillions of fraud

no longer a land of trust

better called a land of lust!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


January 27, 2015

"To Be Mindful"

Your Father in heaven is mindful of you. He has given you commandments to guide you, to discipline you. He has also given you your agency—freedom of choice—“to see if [you] will do all things whatsoever [He] shall command.” (Abr. 3:25) His kingdom here on earth is well organized, and your leaders are dedicated to helping you. May you know that you have our constant love, our concern, and prayers.

Satan is also mindful of you. He is committed to your destruction. He does not discipline you with commandments, but offers instead a freedom to “do your own thing.” … Satan’s program is “play now and pay later.” He seeks for all to be miserable like unto himself [see 2 Nephi 2:27]. The Lord’s program is happiness now and joy forever through gospel living.

“To Be Mindful”





Father is mindful of each

knowing each by name

how mindful are the each

of their Father in heaven;


Are we found as the leaven

able to learn and to teach

knowing from where we came

into the eternities to reach;


Are we influenced by satan

mindful of each of us today

in his temptations blatant

leading immortality to decay;


Which are we found mindful

rather do each care not at all

reaching for the wonderful

or harkening to evil’s call?




Copyright © 2015 – cji


"Light and Life"

Mosiah 16:He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

“Light and Life”





Understanding to see the light

wherein no darkness exists

glare overwhelming to some

coming out behind their rocks

being shown for what they are

having to choose to repent

or in being blinded to darkness

while the Savior is the light

giving eternal life to obedient

within all commandments

wherein light exist eternally

seeing light is understanding!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


“The fate of humanity and all civilization hinges on whether man will use his … agency to govern himself or ignore eternal laws at his own peril and reap the consequences. The real issues of today are, therefore, not economic or political. They are spiritual—meaning that man must learn to conform to the laws which God has given to mankind.” Ezra Taft Benson







Allowing the outside distractions

call the tune to which you dance

allowing noise to dictate your pace

seemingly having lost all control

allowing others to rule your life

avoiding accountability/responsibility

conforming within the worldly

ignoring that which is of Father

calling it the ‘fates’ in control

forgetting the fate of mortality

being in obedience/disobedience

with the majestic laws of God

given to all mankind eternally!


Copyright © 2015 – cji

January 26, 2015







All or nothing two choices

one is right and one wrong

siding with one or the other

sitting on the fence rails

while being found luke-warm

balances the extremes

either of nothing or matter

big bang or creation

satisfying the mortal

or seeking the eternal

with only one being right

all or nothing in extremes!


Copyright © 2015 – cji

“Fear and Trembling”

Mosiah 15:26 But behold, and fear, and tremble before God, for ye ought to tremble; for the Lord redeemeth none such that rebel against him and die in their sins; yea, even all those that have perished in their sins ever since the world began, that have wilfully rebelled against God, that have known the commandments of God, and would not keep them; these are they that have no part in the first resurrection.

 27 Therefore ought ye not to tremble? For salvation cometh to none such; for the Lord hath redeemed none such; yea, neither can the Lord redeem such; for he cannot deny himself; for he cannot deny justice when it has its claim.

 28 And now I say unto you that the time shall come that the salvation of the Lord shall be declared to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.

“Fear and Trembling”





Which is it to be found within

cherishing in obedience always

accepting the taunts so worldly

giving in to desires or appetites

wondering about Commandments

seeing greys of different shades

following any which way of life

accepting little expecting none

hearing or not hearing truth

understanding not the Scriptures

with fear and trembling each

knowing which they are to be

found within thoughts fondled!


Copyright © 2015 – cji