December 27, 2014







Each Sabbath Day heard

voices which totally enrapt

matters not what is taught

much like the ancient Greeks

yet how the words are used

caressed and evolved to be

congregations fully seated

waiting for the spoken word

then on about daily tasks

having put money in baskets

carrying on to other things

saying their ‘amen’ to close

forgetting about the Sabbath

just another day to relax

some going to work or play

sporting events on view

having once found attentive

losing now the luster then

now to be enraptured

by the worldly all around

can we truly vow to believe

practicing only some

heard the voices today

hearing without feeling

not all but still some

wishing for more too

but finding not enough

lights but dimly lit

each Sabbath Day!




To which are we found

enraptured by the truth

able to receive greater

brighter our lights lit

questing for more still

able to turn away

temptations of worldly

keeping holy this day

the Sabbath Day

remembering who/why

within our covenants

knowing of our birth

children of Father

loved by he and Son

feeling more than words

which simply enrapt

for the moment only?)


Copyright © 2014 – cji

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