October 19, 2013

“Today’s Tomorrow’s”

“Today’s Tomorrow’s”
Promises to come to Father
asking for blessings always
seeking rain or even peace
wanting to be loved by many
even subsistence or warmth
today’s tomorrow’s today
yesterdays are long gone
granted food and the warmth
wanting signs understanding
blinded within selfishness
hardened by always asking
today’s the Sabbath Day
to play and/or even relax
not found on bended knee
maybe a token presence
singing some hymns loudly
hearing preaching or bells
tomorrow’s today again
wanting, asking, seeking
even for peace or wetness
wanting answers without
laughing at the righteous
humbled and in humility
asking for another’s good
pleading for opportunities
to give service and love
some few on the one side
many others on no side
wanting to be loved
un-understanding love
wanting blessings first
doing only the minimum
wanting warmth or peace
seeking signs selfishly
today’s tomorrow’s ending
while the Sabbath Day
for the righteous selfless
needing no signs given
knowing the Father well
obeying the Commandments
without exception asked
understanding of the love
feeling the warmth within
feeling the cooling of rain
holding fast to the truth
everyday always forever
the Sabbath everyday
in the service of Father
each today’s tomorrow’s!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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