October 10, 2017

"Oppression from Entitlement" (a short essay)

“Oppression from Entitlement”

Currently our nation is experiencing multi-millionaires disparaging our nation and our flag. However, those in our House and Senate have been doing it for years: not standing or even paying attention at the beginnings of their meetings. So why could we expect a lot of college drop-outs making millions of dollars to do anything differently. As a matter of fact the DNC have been trying for years to destroy the Constitution with many of the GOP hand in hand with them. Most all are owned by pelf provided by G. Soros and those in his class. From the back hidden corners into the wide open of today they don’t even care who knows how they feel about the US or any of its laws. For eight years they supported the criminals – illegal aliens and praised the terrorists of the world. The past eight years saw the influx of leaders with no experience except for their color or racist views get appointed to courts – and all levels of government employment. In the past 27 years it has become so bad that we’ve judges/politicians/appointed government officials who most likely have no clue as to the contents or the reason behind the Constitution of the US. While they pro-create by adoption those within our public and private schools systems. Of course the majority of those now living in the US (legally or illegally) are intelligence denied when it comes to the Founding Father’s or the laws of the land. This ignorance is then turned on the general public via the media and school systems.

When hate enters the equation all reality is lost and replaced with nothing of value.  Thus we’ve fake news – people pontificating on how the popular vote should control an election – illegals should have the same rights as legal citizens and so on down the line until most of our national debt is supporting those with no internal motivation to either work or participate in ways to learn how to work or be employed. Thus first they become offended that others don’t like their way of existing and then consider themselves oppressed because they want everything given to them.

First the meaning of Oppression: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. "a region shattered by oppression and killing" synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill-treatment, tyranny, despotism, repression, suppression, subjection, subjugation; More the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill-treatment, tyranny, despotism, repression,

Which brings us to the latest contentious news being plastered by msm into our lives. Two HOF football players one saying no oppression and the other saying there’s always been oppression! Which do we believe? Let’s look at the second first.

He called the following examples of oppression: Vietnam – inflation – Operation Wetback – war on drugs – tax increases – and Jim Crow Laws.  With the exception of the Jim Crow laws which were mostly all in the Southern part of the US (and enacted by the carpet bag governments and Democratic party)– all of the others affected everyone – except those who were on welfare or wealthy. Many forget that the Jim Crow type laws were also enacted upon whites and various religious groups where some were killed when trying to vote (check out Missouri even before the Civil War). Of course those enacting these laws also stripped ownership of land – included murder, rape and forced removal from one’s home and even some totally from the state where they lived.

What about the others on the list: Operation Wetback was to remove illegal aliens who'd come into the US. This was oppression? So let's see - deporting illegal aliens is oppression - or enforcement of the law? War on Drugs - oppression or enforcement of the law Arresting or attempting to arrest a violent/armed criminal oppression or enforcement of the law? Vietnam wasn’t oppression – yes we had the draft (but we so in other wars as well) – but what I saw was it didn’t matter what color you were when hit you bled and in 52K cases you died. (http://history-world.org/vietnam_war_statistics.htm This reference site is Vietnam.)  Of those killed in Vietnam.(combat role) 86.8% were non-black and 12.1% were black. 34% of the blacks in Vietnam were volunteers. 25% of the total force (all cultures) were drafted in Vietnam – while in WW2 66% were draftees. So I’m not sure how serving in Vietnam was oppression – most of us would go back and almost anyone associated with the war know it was lost due to political motivation which is also why it began. Most forget – after WW2 Vietnam was set on the direction of a Constitutional nation – until it was given back as a possession of the French (big mistake of course this was the case at the end of WW1 as well).

Some of the other terms in the definition could be placed on JJ and Big Al – and overall the communities raking in millions/billions of dollars and doing nothing to change the environment but make it worse. Oppression by the DNC to keep poor and welfare entitlements on their voter rolls whether alive or dead or to vote multiple times in violation of the laws. Ignorance on the part of the GOP to do the right thing for the right reason – instead choosing not to rock the boat!

Some of the other oppression voiced (except black upon black) – of course there were riots – where in mid-city black communities destroying their own – I was in Harlem in 1964 – and condition where I’d come from in the Far East were far worse – and when I then to Africa it was equally as bad as the Far East.

It seems it’s okay to commit crimes (would guess this could be considered oppressing the innocent Americans who were the victims – (but these would include all cultures) – but not accept the price of the crime – therefore you’re oppressed because you got caught or someone of your race got caught – and for shootings – how many were in life/death situations? How many innocent whites/Indians/those of other cultures were shot without cause? So far this year’ twice as many Whites have been shot as compared to blacks. Yet when known criminals caught in the act get shot because they’re threatening – fighting – and then their so called community riots and loots – and destroys themselves it’s all whitey’s or the officials fault (never the criminal) – and they’re so oppressed needing to steal – rape – loot – because they can’t get a job or prefer not to work!

This nations has thrown hundreds of billion dollars into the inter-cities – the black community – and what’s there to show for it – oppression and racism – maybe someone is doing this all wrong!

Oppression – hearing why you didn’t get a Scholarship (on the honor roll) – “Well first you’re white – second – you’re a veteran – third you’re married – so you’ll get through whether we help you or not. Married veterans earned $110.00 a month while attending college in those days. Certain professors would fail or otherwise lower your grades so you’d never get above a ‘C’. And lastly if you were avoiding the draft you didn’t even need to attend classes to pass! Oppression is a lot like being offended – some seek it out – other ignore it – to me there’s only one reason ever to be offended – when someone challenges your integrity (when you have integrity).

Smile as always so few will ever read this – and thus writing to the choir – c/ork

“Oppression from Entitlement”


Somehow confusion is the cause
which comes from the adversity
inciting riots, hatred, entitlements
fully disrupting the family life
as if severing with a sharp knife
providing rhetorical arguments
lying taught in the university
oppression=entitlement a gauze;

Graduating into fake news alive
given breath by beguilement
adopted into the school system
flourishing in our society’s life
oppression from entitlement a knife
disrupting any defined ecosystem
all of nature in defilement
allowing nothing to survive!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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