September 10, 2017

"Truth's in Most Religions" (follow on to earlier essay)

“Truths in Most Religions”


When one attempts to write – especially to be understood much material and information will be left out or for the readers to research on their own. Writing requires one to do their homework – but it’s also incumbent upon the readers to do theirs! As writing I consider the usage of footnotes and since I’m not per se’ writing for publication I’ve found little reason to document 55 years of my personal research for someone else to publish. If in fact anyone wants my primary, secondary or current references they need only do a search on the Internet. Many know my personal library contains thousands of books with many being first editions or translations of first editions from hundreds (even thousand) years ago. This is said not to brag or to be prideful – but most would affirm I’ve done my homework very well indeed. Why is this important to the reader: first I seek only to write on what I know to be true; second I would be able to present such references if requested with good intent; third digging through my collection to find an exact quote at this point in my life (while it could be done) seems to be redundant and to deter from further writings; and lastly I’m a virtual unknown so who really wants my references. Most of the worldly scholars dismiss what I write out of hand – as one of my early professors told me when I quoted primary material in his class that I was just, ‘an amateur or hobbyist’ and my sources not worth being quoted. Which is interesting as I’ve found many dislike learned there may be something they don’t know.

Wherefore of the above paragraph is that while my previous writing, “What Is – What Was – What is Man-made – What is From Father and His Son Jesus Christ” cji 9/10/17 dealt only with Christianity. Leaving out some things which I feel important and also other religions of the world. Hopefully, this short exercise with resolve these omissions. Most of those who see, read my writings fall within the Christian Community of religions. It is very important to note that all religions Christian or otherwise have both truths, light and good things to offer. This of course excludes those claiming Satan as their headstone for nothing of worth, truth, light or good can come from Satan.

How many religions are there in the world? Estimates conclude there are at least 4,200 religions in the world – of which 84% of the world’s population participate. Of this about 1/3 practice some form of Christianity. The study actually states ‘84% of the world population has faith!’ which misleading because the other 16% have faith as well. Indeed to not believe in a deity requires more faith than many of those who proclaim faith.

How many know the names of all of the religions in the world and then what does each believe or better practice? This to me would be an exercise in futility as what would it accomplish to know this information? We know all religions which lead men/women to do good – i.e. James 1:27; are important to the welfare of this world. We also know that religion should encourage questions, research, study – and just accept things because one is told to do so. It’s the questioning which leads one to more truths and thus more faith and finally to seek greater light and knowledge. ( is where you’ll find most of the various religions in the world.)

The parable of the weed and the blade of grass: Which in one’s lawn gets the most attention? The weed usually is singled out as being unwanted and thus to be destroyed. Grass on the other hand is just doing what it’s told to do and therefore requires little attention. Most followers in religion are like blades of grass just doing what they’re told to do. While the one who questions, seeks answers, offers a differing opinion is like the weed and needs to be destroyed in case it takes over the lawn. Therefore tradition and peer pressure make most bow to the theology of the owner of the lawn (church) while helping to weed out the weeds.

Because of the above parable most seeking truth are stymied or otherwise held in check or end up on the outside or in some religions – dead! Most of the world religions are cultural in nature and not overly well known except in their specific locale. Which is the truth-seeker to be known as – the weed in most cases and never the blade of grass in almost all cases. Which are we?

While all churches have some truth and some light – and lead people to do good – why isn’t this enough? Many will say I’ve my beliefs and you’ve yours. However, if there’s a greater truth – a supreme truth – filled with all of the light – wouldn’t everyone want to know? If you knew – wouldn’t you want your friends to know? Wouldn’t you want to know?

When I was a youngster I wanted to know – I read the Bible and found it to be true – yet everywhere I looked no one was teaching what the Bible literally spoke. I became the weed – being asked not to come back – asking too many questions then going to the Scriptures to show the answer given didn’t make any sense. In one case I wasn’t in a Bible study group more than 10 minutes was asked a question about 1 Peter 3:7 and was told to leave and not come back (I was 18 single and in the Far East at the time). Today I still ask questions and seek answers – however today it is much easier because of the variety of Scriptures and sources I can investigate.

Yes – much of research is devoted the Christian Scriptures – however, I still refer to and utilize all truths wherever they can be found. In an essay recently completed on the Book of James I quote liberally from the following: The Bible (Old and New Testaments); The Book of Mormon; The Doctrine and Covenants; The Pearl of Great Price and the Holy Qur’an. Why these because they represent the most readily available and teach many of the same doctrines. (The essay on the Book of James ended with some 268 pages of reference notes – some 88 pages of text. In this book I was able to cross-reference every verse in James to each of the other books of Scriptures I used. Why because in my studies I noticed that James was written to our day! It is also the one book that most wanted left out of the Bible in the late 1400’s to early 1600’s and even as late as the mid-1700’s. Also, I found in the works of many of the various Great Churches of the World that most all of the principles taught by James was also found in their teachings.

Should we gather and study – do our homework we’ll find many great and small truths spread throughout the world of religion. However, I still know of only one Church where all of these truths can be found and can be added to with new Revelations and thus is a living religion. I leave the above with you in the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“Truth’s in Most Religions”


Deny not the truths of God
for they are many and clear
some here and some there
as we venture in this life
seeking our full mission
able someday to return
to the presence of Father
worthy and ordained fully
truth’s in most religions
but wetting one’s hunger
wanting more and more
till finding the receptacle
filled to brimming with all
and continuing as living
added to here and there
where the Lord’s Prophet
resides and leads today
those who harken fully
to the Father’s voice
through his Son Jesus
wherein we’re found today!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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