March 1, 2016

"Unpolished the Rock" and "Don't Tread on Me"

(There’ll be no photos with these thoughts – cji/mdi – which are the combined thoughts of my son and I)

“Unpolished the Rock”


Understanding the results of preparation
seeing the horizon far away still from here
unpolished the rock recently broken off
still the refiners fire to suffer through
racing as the winds of time in space
not polished or anything just writing
talking to the adversary ever present
seeking to destroy and thus to control
unpolished this rock to fight and endure!
You dared and you shall not be spared.
Did I provoke you? Nay, you dared.
Smite you with all my fight
Venom injected full, I warned you
but still you are the fool.
You sought me and I called out,
you snapped your trap too soon;
Great your size was in view
you still thought you might could defeat me.
Camouflaged I remained hidden from your gaze
Tall in size but like all the rest you will be brought low.
Why did I bite? You thought me old and an easy prey
Now unable to walk or move, you seek help but resisted to pray
As you lay dying, I remind you again and all that seek me
You still dying, I leave for the beasts and birds to peck and tear you apart.
Yes, I may be old but for this republic
I will follow my oath and pledge while
I live long after you have passed warning others
on your path to respect me and also
defiantly declare don't tread on me!
Fools, liars, and spies
Can you not see it?
Are you obvious to it?
Are my laws inferior to yours?
Am I invisible to your eyes?
Nay, you are the fools, liars, and spies.
Damn you each, the angel Azrael approaches.
I am Golden eagle and my numbers are few.
Yet, look and see my Bald Eagle cousins are growing in numbers.
They are seen as you look for them,
But you will not because of your stiff necks and faces looking neither up nor down.
There is no logic or reason for these manners.
You betrayed me as a traitor to my law
As I see you, I see your demise.
No amount of unjustifiable words nay unconstitutional laws can pull me from my flight.
My numbers are few but our flight feathers are clean, my talons sharp, beak, grasp and flight strong.
Never underestimate the strength of a few, but I know that you will.
Your hubris is your demise.
Eagles soar, rattlesnakes seek and await, all the while the puma stalks to protect the country land from the the fools, liars, and spies. We are all Azrael.
Your domicile will be short as the great bears its teeth into your flesh.
The sun has darkened to the fools.
The moon has turned to blood to the liars.
The stars have fallen from the heavens to the spies.
Fools, liars, and spies are will meet their demise.
My sad devotion is not to anything less than the Constitutional Republic, but I fight for freedom from oppression and my banner waves in the Stars and Stripes.
As a Golden eagle, I look with hope to the Bald Eagles riding within their communities for the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the breeze.
And forevermore will the fools, liars, and spies be damned both earthly and eternally.
The mountains will survive as will I.
Be Prepared

Copyright © 2016 – mdi/cji

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