February 13, 2016

"The Invisible"

- I had a friend who was bitten by a dog - however, the owner of the dog said he didn't own a dog - the apartment complex said no dogs were allowed in the apartments - so the police were prepared to arrest my friend for a false report. A week later the dog came an attacked him again - this time he shot the dog! The owner of the dog called the police to report him - the apartment complex was going to evict him for shooting the dog - and the police were going to arrest him for shooting the dog. He explained to all involved - this is the same dog that everyone denied one week earlier - so it must be an invisible dog - and therefore everyone was making up that he had shot their dog - for the owner owned no dog - the apartment complex allowed no dogs and the police therefore had no reason to arrest him! 

“The Invisible”


Throughout history there’s a question
what really happened and the why
rewriting makes for the invisible
it couldn’t have happened ever
for none today saw it occur then
any point of view will suffice
matters not the invisible view
manufacturing a new history
where only one is right to see
anyone else has to be wrong
teaching this repeatedly over
till the new become the older
truth becomes the lie believed
the invisible remains invisible!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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