May 31, 2019

"Ministering: June 2019"  Listen/watch

 The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ
Loving God and loving our neighbors is the doctrinal foundation of ministering; home-centered, Church-supported learning; Sabbath-day spiritual worship; and the work of salvation.
My brothers and sisters, it’s difficult for me to believe that it was 71 years ago, in 1948, that I was a missionary in England and 44 years ago that my wife, Barbara, and I took our family to Canada when I was the president of the Canada Toronto Mission. While serving there in April 1976, I was called to the First Quorum of the Seventy, and unexpectedly in 1985, I was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Unlike my previous callings, which included future releases, my release from my calling to the Twelve is not the best option right now; however, I pray that day will come only after I have finished all the Lord has called me to do.
In thinking about my last 43 years of service as a General Authority and the privilege I have had to minister to Heavenly Father’s children, I have come to realize more fully that He wants all of His children to find peace, joy, and happiness in their lives.
The prophet Lehi taught, “Men [and women] are, that they might have joy.”1 There are many reasons why peace, joy, and happiness may elude us in this life, including poverty, war, natural disasters, and unexpected setbacks in employment, health, and family relationships.
But even though we cannot control those external forces that impact our lives here on earth, as we strive to become faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can find peace, joy, and happiness despite the worldly troubles that swirl around us.
One of my children once said, “Dad, I wonder if I will ever be able to make it.” I responded, “All Heavenly Father asks of us is to do the very best we can each day.” Brothers and sisters, do the best you can do day after day, and before you know it, you will come to realize that your Heavenly Father knows you and that He loves you. And when you know that—really know it—your life will have real purpose and meaning and you will be filled with joy and peace.
As the Light of the World, the Savior said, “Whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.”2
“Jesus Christ is the name which is given of the Father, and there is none other name given whereby [we] can be saved;
“Wherefore, all men [and women] must take upon them the name which is given of the Father.”3
The scriptures teach us that Satan desires to lead people into darkness. His every effort is to shut out the light and truth of Jesus Christ and His gospel. As Lehi taught his children, the devil “seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.”4 If Heavenly Father’s “work and … glory” is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of [men and women],”5 Lucifer’s “work” is to bring to pass the misery and endless woe of God’s children. Sin and transgression dim the Light of Christ in our lives. That is why our quest is to bask in the Light of Christ, which brings peace, joy, and happiness.
In the last 18 months, the Lord has inspired His prophet and the Apostles to implement a number of wonderful adjustments. However, I worry that the spiritual purposes of these adjustments might become lost in the excitement about the changes themselves.
Joseph F. Smith said: “The true, pure, simple gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. We are responsible for maintaining it upon the earth.”6 He added that the true, pure, and simple gospel is the “saving doctrines of Christ.”7
In the Articles of Faith, the Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.”8
The first principles of the gospel are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. His brother Hyrum taught: “Preach them over [and over] again: you will find that day after day new ideas and additional light concerning them will be revealed to you. You can enlarge upon them … to comprehend them clearly. You will then be able to make them more plainly understood by those [you] teach.”9
The best ways for us to see the spiritual purposes of the Church are to live the true, pure, and simple teachings of Christ and also to apply the Savior’s two great commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. … Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”10
Obedience to those two commandments provides a way to experience more peace and joy. When we love and serve the Lord and love and serve our neighbors, we will naturally feel more happiness that comes to us in no better way.
Loving God and loving our neighbors is the doctrinal foundation of ministering; home-centered, Church-supported learning; Sabbath-day spiritual worship; and the work of salvation on both sides of the veil supported in the Relief Societies and the elders quorums. All of these things are based on the divine commandments to love God and to love our neighbors. Can there be anything more basic, more fundamental, and more simple than that?
Living the true, pure, and simple gospel plan will allow us more time to visit the widows, widowers, orphans, lonely, sick, and poor. We will find peace, joy, and happiness in our life when serving the Lord and our neighbors.
The Sabbath-day adjustments that emphasize home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning and studying are an opportunity to renew our spirit and our devotion to God within the walls of our homes. What could possibly be more simple, basic, and profound? Brothers and sisters, can you see that learning and teaching the gospel in our families is an important way to find joy and happiness in our lives?
Speaking of the Sabbath, the Savior said, “For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High.”11 He added, “That thy joy may be full … [through] rejoicing and prayer … ye [should] do these things with thanksgiving, with cheerful hearts and countenances … [and] with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance.”12
Please note some of the key words in this revelation: joyrejoicingthanksgivingcheerful heartsglad heart, and a cheerful countenance. It sounds to me like Sabbath-day observance should bring smiles to our faces.

As we minister in a higher and holier way, please consider how essential it is that we greet everyone who comes to our Church meetings, especially new members and visitors. We should all enjoy singing the hymns and listening carefully to the words of the sacrament prayers with an open heart and mind.
Testimonies of faith in our fast and testimony meetings are led by a member of the bishopric, who shares a brief testimony focused on the plan of happiness and the true, pure, and simple gospel of Christ. All others should follow that example. We need to remember that there are other appropriate places to tell stories or share travel adventures. As we keep our testimonies simple and focused on the gospel of Christ, He will provide spiritual renewal as we share our testimonies with one another.
Effective ministering is best viewed through the focused lens of loving God and loving our neighbors. Simply stated, we minister because we love our Heavenly Father and His children. Our ministering efforts will be more successful if we keep our ministering simple. The most joy comes from the simple things of life, so we need to be careful not to think that more needs to be added to any of the adjustments we have received to build faith and strong testimonies in the hearts of God’s children.
Let’s not complicate things with additional meetings, expectations, or requirements. Keep it simple. It is in that simplicity that you will find the peace, joy, and happiness I have been talking about.
For years the leadership purposes of the Church, as stated in Handbook 2, are outcomes that are clear and simple, from which I quote:

“Leaders encourage every member to receive all essential priesthood ordinances, keep the associated covenants, and qualify for exaltation and eternal life. …

Adults: Encourage each adult to be worthy to receive the ordinances of the temple. Teach all adults to identify their ancestors and perform vicarious temple ordinances for them.

Youth: Help prepare each young man to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, to receive the ordinances of the temple, and to be worthy to serve a full-time mission. Help prepare each young woman to be worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple. Strengthen youth through participation in meaningful activities.

All Members: Help priesthood and auxiliary leaders, ward councils, ward and full-time missionaries, and members work cooperatively in a balanced effort to rescue individuals, strengthen families and Church units, increase priesthood activity, and gather Israel through conversion, retention, and activation. Teach members to provide for themselves and their families and to assist the poor and needy in the Lord’s way.”13
My service in the Church has blessed me with many remarkable and special spiritual experiences. I am a witness that the Lord directs His Church to accomplish His purposes. I have received divine guidance far beyond my capacity. The joy of gospel living for me has been centered on the true, pure, and simple doctrine and gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have served under the keys and directions of six prophets and Church Presidents, from Spencer W. Kimball to Russell M. Nelson. I testify that each one of them was and is God’s chosen prophet. They have taught us essential principles about the Church and the gospel and doctrine of Christ. President Nelson is carrying the Lord’s work forward at a breathtaking pace. I say “breathtaking” because he’s the only one of the Apostles who is older than me, and I am having a difficult time keeping up with him! I am a witness that the priesthood keys and the mantle of a prophet of God are upon him. President Nelson teaches the true, pure, and simple gospel of Jesus Christ. I bear my testimony that Jesus is the Christ and this is His Church—of which I testify humbly in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

“What Could Be Easier?”


True and simple is the Gospel
nothing complicated or wasted
obedience in all things – teach
away from the worldly aspect
remembering who we serve
to whom we owe all things
then doing the right thing
at the right time – always
what could be easier – nothing!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 30, 2019

"Perish Not"

“Perish Not”


A repeated plea
over and over again
obey the Commandments
being found repentant
or else be damned
for only the pure in heart
clean and obedient
repentant always
will avoid final death
and thus perish not!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 29, 2019

"Lost Flashlight"

“Lost Flashlight”


Walking the beach
cold and chilled
dark without moon
stars hidden away
only a flashlight
finding its way
stumbled and lost
on hands and knees
searching the sands
into new zones
learning from fears
freedoms diminished
walking the beach
knowledge there
beyond the scope
returning to errors
unknown new paths!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 28, 2019




Once digging holes in snow
going fort to fort safely
sometimes looking for a way
into the black holes of space
maybe teen to an adult
always somewhere a way
large or small some lighted
but best of all is passage
from the elderly to a child!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 27, 2019

"To Endure"

“To Endure”


Perhaps you forget
we came from the woods
the swamps and bayou’s
high mountains and plains
deep valleys and gorges
deserts and even cities
we answered the call
we will always answer
never forget to endure
we’ve committed all
persevering to the end
our God our Family
our Nation our Freedoms!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 26, 2019

"Ministering: Mortality in War: A Not So Merry Christmas Story"

Kerry Patton is a friend of mine – and I think this has great value to pass on to others!  chuck
Subject: Morality in War: A Not So Merry Christmas Story
Kerry Patton (2018)
“He whom you see evil may be the greatest of all Saints.”

He mastered the greatest plan which inevitably brought together the greatest of followers. He gave us his one and only son only to later be sacrificed for our atonement. And that son became man through an immaculate conception.
The Miracle of Jesus is more than just that of Mary giving birth to a baby without the introduction of natural insemination from her husband, Joseph. Culturally, it may be perceived as the greatest Miracle of all time.
In many cultures during the period leading up to the birth of Jesus, adultery was identified as a crime punishable by death. Even long after His birth, the bible discusses punishment for adulterers.
"If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die." -- Deuteronomy 22:22
"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death." -- Leviticus 20:10
The Lord Our Savior knew the laws mankind placed on HIS Kingdom. He knew more than anyone what could happen to Mary once the population learned of her pregnancy—especially if Joseph turned his back on her. But the Lord knew his power was much greater than the laws set forth by mankind and Mary maintained her faith in The Lord.
Many will claim that which is written in the Bible is the word of The Lord. Others understand that the Lord Our Savior Jesus Christ did not write one word inside the Bible but rather the words written within were so through his Prophets. (Now, let the theological debate begin.)
Some could easily conclude that the Lord Our Savior placed his Greatness over the laws of mankind. And through his miracles of life, he protected Jesus while in the womb of Mary because he protected Mary ensuring her own husband, whom had difficulty accepting the immaculate conception, believed in something much greater than not only himself but the powers who created “man’s laws.”
The Immaculate Conception, during times of civil unrest, elitists abusing their power to control the people, and even times of war, may be the greatest example identifying how morality overrides law. It is arguably the primary foundation between the case of natural law vs man’s law..
“The world needs men who uphold the highest of morals willing to fulfill the most immoral acts to protect those who lack the courage to do so themselves.”
In the aforementioned quote, morality should not be confused with legality. Long ago, I was told something that has stuck in my head ever since the day I heard it.
“In order to save a life, sometimes you must sacrifice a life.”
Since the war in Afghanistan began, the United States and our coalition partners sacrificed many lives all in the vein to prevent more atrocities like those witnessed on 9-11-2001.
Some individuals have done things while fighting these wars they would never normally do outside of war. Unfortunately, some of these persons have been labeled as “murderers.” And yet the word “Murder,” today, is a legal term not to be confused with killing.
A debate has unfolded inside many practicing Christians about one of the ten commandments which is, “Though shall not kill.” But the commandment does not say “though shall not kill” but rather states “though shall not ratsach” when translated from Hebrew translates into “Though shall not murder.”
If anyone ever read the Old Testament, they would realize God ordered the killing of many. In fact, Samuel 15:3 reads “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”
Do not think for a moment God was against Killing. Some could argue during times of need such as war, God actually condoned the act as seen in Joshua 4:13 “About 40,000 ready for war passed over before the Lord for battle, to the plains of Jericho.” God actually ordered Israel to kill their enemies when they entered into the land of Canaan.
Today however wars have not been about submission for the greater good but rather emplaced for, and by, those unwilling to commit to the acts of killing for reasons outside the total destruction of evil to be replaced with good upon the submission of the enemy.
Today’s wars are fought with laws by one side all the while against an enemy who does not abide by such laws. And sadly, more often than not, when the enemy is captured, he is released back to the world population committed to his acts of violence. On the contrary, our own soldiers who commit “crimes during war” are often sentenced with much harsher penalties.
The insanity is overwhelming. 
Imagine playing a game of chess and you know the rules but your opponent choses not to play by the rules set forth. You have two decisions 1. Stop playing or 2. Learn your opponents psyche and accept your rules are making the game impossible to be won; therefore, stop using your own rules knowing they will be used against you.
America cannot, will not, ever win another war again because our false morality will prevent us from doing such.
Wars are meant to be swift and implemented with extreme violence. Casualties of War need to be accepted. World War II was the last war where we upheld true morality for the greater of mankind. And per today’s social moral warriors, we conducted thousands of war-crimes per today’s psyche. Suggest reading about the ears, bones and teeth taken from Japanese soldiers as war trophies. Specifically, read Skull trophies of the Pacific War: transgressive objects of remembrance.
In war, people must die. It is ugly. And at times, the inhumanity of such is critically important if for any reason, the ugly inhumanity serves as a critical Psychological campaign message helping the enemy make the decision to submit before he faces his own death.
And yet today, people want to place themselves high on a pedestal when they learn about American service men and women involved in alleged “war crimes.”
President Franklin Roosevelt who once received and graciously accepted a letter opener made from a Japanese soldier’s arm bone is rolling in his grave. So is them man who once said, “He without sin shall cast the first stone.”

Kerry Patton
Author, Actor, Director

“Of Morality”


Between right and wrong
good or bad – white/black
when both are bad choices
when both are good choices
of morality do you decide
blaming another to hang
praising another to metals
wherefore then is Mary
when do we read literally
what is our morality in life
seeking pure ends clear
of found in the mud slides
between right and wrong!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 25, 2019

"Pruning the Vineyard"

“Pruning the Vineyard”


What is not within
the Lord’s house
shall be pruned
in the last days
even on the Sabbath
following and obeying
all Commandments
the pruners will work
clearing the fields
none shall be missed
all shall be pruned!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 24, 2019

"Tell Me All"

“Tell Me All”


Seems you seek fire
what is all to request
what with do you start
where then to end
have you read all
tell me, tell me
inquire on your own
clearly you’ve the path
honor, purity, obedience
then may you request
that you don’t know
forever the keys same
tell me all – foolishness
mocking knowledge
and thus denying light!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 23, 2019

"Tall or Small"

“Tall or Small”


What of one’s looks
what do we really see
a wiggling little mass
wrinkles and tears
long or short
maybe big or little
or do we instead
see into the eyes
what’s really there
deep within beauty
or sometimes worse
ignoring the decorations
seeing reality or art?

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 22, 2019

"Days Numbered"

“Days Numbered”


Indifferent to the time/seasons
days are numbered 1 plus 1
we within too are counted
worthy or not to be known
our works through us shown
closer or further to the end
unknowing which to prepare
as if the last or another first
climbing as roses old walls
till reaching the top to spread
uncounted within the seasons!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 21, 2019




Dancing delicately
one last leaf
reminder of summer
the fall now gone
branch more brittle
full and vibrant
colors refuse to fade
lingering a bit longer
dancing delicately!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 20, 2019

"The Lesson"

“The Lesson”


Picking from here and there
Scriptures and Full Doctrine
yet are we ready to learn
for the lesson is there always
obedience in all things always
joy and happiness no other way
preparing for the mortal test
based on the lesson of life!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

"A Son Named Kai"

“A Son Named Kai”


Truly one of a kind named Kai
found with special meaning
everything from ocean to earth
‘keeper of the keys’ or warrior
restless and searching far
yearnings of  the sea eternal
building objects of Legos
having Mom read to him
sharing time at the beach
a butterfly and a bumblebee
truly a great find in today
a son named Kai – special!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 19, 2019

"Clouds of Profusional Lies"

“Clouds of Profusional Lies”


Granted it’s difficult
telling truth when a lair
but when one is deep
that they no longer
see the differences
clouding their minds
old ‘rose colored’ glasses
being reborn for effect
creating new visualizations
clouds of profusional lies!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

May 18, 2019




Wherefore do we live
to become eternal
as is our Father
and His beloved
this is our mission
being obedient in all
remembering the Sabbath
which is their day sacred
thus to become gnolaum!

Copyright © 2019 – cji

"A Bit Late"

“A Bit Late”


Sometimes reality replaces
wishes, goals, thoughts
body say’s – ‘SLEEP’
therefore you sleep
thus a bit late things
writing, getting up
smiles to share
much like the child
loving always not showing
caring but when sleepy
crying – annoying – yup
thus a bit late today!

Copyright © 2019 – cji